Monday, March 05, 2007

How to save energy

I love "How-to" Lists, especially ones that will help save me cash while helping the environment. Here is a list of simple, how-to-save energy tips as compiled on an article on Energy Saving Trust:

1. Don't leave appliances on standby (think of that desktop that runs unused all day on your home desk that you don't see until 6 p.m. at night)

2. Install energy-saving bulbs (they last about 12 times longer AND save you about $10 on every electric bill)

3. Only boil the bare minimum of water you need (In other words, if you're going to boil up some spaghetti for dinner, you don't need a gallon of water, which takes longer to heat)

4. Insulate your attic or loft, so heat and air-conditioning don't go to waste.

5. Install cavity wall insulation (33% of heat lost is in un-insulated homes)

6. Upgrade or maintain your boiler.

7. Buy energy-saving appliances (they may be a little more pricey, but in the long run, they will greatly reduce your bills)

8. Reduce your thermostat by 1 degree. (It will save you about 10% on your energy bill)

9. Use cold water for laundry (You are using about 40% less electricity)

10. Don't drive the car on short trips (Ride a bike, carpool, walk if it's only a mile or two away)

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